Learn. Design. Inspire.

At SYZO we design and build websites that you can simply feel. We work with startups, entrepreneurs, and individuals who promote the social good and strive to make the world a better place to live. We believe that each design should be exceptional while remaining minimalistic.

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The Design Process

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This is the foundation of the design process. We will define the scope and goals of the website and set a plan for gathering content and visual assets. At the end of this stage, we will create low-fidelity wireframes that represent the overall structure of your website.


The second stage involves typography, colors, icons, and images. We will use these elements to create high-fidelity wireframes. At the end of this stage, you will have a website design draft.

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The final stage is when the design comes to life. We will turn the high-fidelity wireframes into a superb website. After this stage is completed, your amazing website will be launched.